Sustainability in the film industry

The film and TV industry is one of the most energy intensive in the world. According to the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), around 13 tonnes of CO₂ are emitted in the production of a single hour of TV content. This corresponds to just under two trips around the world by car.

The number of programmes and the amount of content produced increases year after year, partly due to streaming services and the breaking up of linear programme structures. As the number of productions grows, so too does the media industry’s energy consumption and carbon footprint. Sustainability in the film industry is therefore becoming an increasingly important issue.

Sustainable filmmaking: green filming

Sustainable filmmaking, also known as green filming, is the concept of producing films in the most resource-efficient way possible. Reducing and offsetting carbon emissions is the key focus here, and so the main factors contributing to CO₂ emissions have to be identified and optimised. The checklists, features and carbon calculator found under Tools can help with this.

Carbon Calculator

Calculate the carbon footprint of your film or TV production and reduce emissions.


Here you find helpful checklists, guides and links for a resource-friendly film production.

Training & Consulting

Here you find training programmes and consulting services.

The bigger picture

If you want to make your film project more environmentally sustainable, you need to consider not only the filming, but every step in the entire production. Upstream and downstream processes can also leave a significant carbon footprint. Although the principal photography phase has the most established measures, there is great potential for more environmentally friendly production overall, especially in preproduction.


Idea, concept, shooting schedule


Principal photography


Editing, graphics, music, animation, colour grading, visual effects


Marketing, public release

(Environmental) sustainability can already be influenced to a great extent in the preproduction phase. Green storytelling starts with the script. The idea behind this is that the stories and behaviours portrayed in a film can inspire viewers to adopt more sustainable habits of their own. Green storytelling thus gets to work before production actually starts, addressing environmentally sustainable behaviours through storylines and characters.

On the following pages, you will find various information concerning sustainable distribution and cinemas
MOIN Filmförderung
Grünes Kino

For example:
MOIN – Leitfaden ökologische Auswertung (distribution)
MOIN – Leitfaden grüne Kinomassnahmen (movie theaters)
Das grüne Kinohandbuch (movie theaters)

Responsible organizations

The following organizations are responsible for Sustainable Arts:


About Sustainable Arts

Sustainable Arts shows the ways and possibilities of sustainable cultural creation in Switzerland.